NJ Weather Sirens
In New Jersey, some towns and municipalities have opted to use weather sirens to warn of impending dangers such as flooding high winds and thunderstorms. Weather sirens are a broad category of sirens and warning devices that use sound to alert people of weather. There are two main categories of weather sirens, lightning sirens, and emergency weather sirens.
The Emergency Alert Weather Sirens
The Emergency Alert Weather sirens are typically electronic sirens but can be electromechanical. These Sirens can be found in areas of the state that need emergency warnings for weather such as flooding. This is why they are typically found on the coastline or flood-prone areas. This is the reason why most of the sirens are electronic. The reason is that they can have voice abilities. This will allow them to announce what the emergency is and therefore have a more effective communication method than electromechanical. That isn't to say that electromechanical doesn't work but in the sense of weather sirens it works suboptimal compared to the ladder. An example of this system can be found in the town of Manville, New Jersey. The sirens have been replaced with electronic sirens most likely to upgrade their effectiveness towards communication. However, their ability to do so has been called into question due to high failing rates. If you would like to see the siren system in action the siren system tests on the first Saturday of every month at 12:00 p.m. Discretion is advised however because the OEM can cancel the test at any time.
Lightning Sirens
The reason why lightning sirens fall into their category compared to other sirens is that they are typically smaller in size and only go off for emergencies and do not test. These can be found in areas such as parks, schools, and other municipal areas. They are designed to only wear against thunderstorms. In the event of a thunderstorm, the siren is used to evacuate people from a certain area, usually an open one. There are several times brands and types of lightning sirens and they're all different in how they work. For example, the WeatherBug lightning sirens use a networking system to connect to a server. This server will tell the sirens when lightning is nearby. However on the other hand a Thor-Guard sirens have a built-in lightning detector. Both systems work extremely well and have proven themselves.